Visceral Mobilization in Carmel & Zionsville

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Find Relief Through Visceral Mobilization in Carmel & Zionsville

If you’re suffering from chronic digestive issues, back pain, gynecological problems, or post-surgical complications, you may have tried every treatment and medication available with little success. But there is hope. Visceral Mobilization is a gentle therapy provided by the experienced therapists at Restore Your Core Physical Therapy that can bring relief when other options have failed.

A Proven, Drug-Free Option for Lasting Relief

Visceral Mobilization targets the soft tissues and organs inside your body to:

  • Release restrictions that cause dysfunction and pain
  • Improve mobility and function
  • Restore your body’s natural healing abilities

This hands-on technique has been practiced for over 40 years with clinically proven results across a wide range of conditions.

At Restore Your Core Physical Therapy, our therapists use Visceral Mobilization to successfully treat patients suffering from:

  • Chronic back, pelvic, abdominal, and joint pain
  • Digestive disorders like IBS, constipation, and acid reflux
  • Lingering post-surgical pain and complications
  • Gynecological issues including painful periods, endometriosis, and infertility
  • Asthma, sinus problems, and other respiratory issues

So if you’re fed up with constant discomfort and trips to countless specialists with no lasting relief, Visceral Mobilization could be the gentle, drug-free solution you’ve been waiting for.

A Healthier, Less Painful Life Starts With Visceral Mobilization in Carmel & Zionsville

Dysfunctional organs and scar tissue don’t show up on standard lab tests and imaging. So many traditional doctors tell their patients nothing is structurally wrong despite their very real pain and symptoms.

The Restore Your Core Physical Therapy team takes a whole-body, hands-on approach to identify and treat the root cause of your discomfort. We’ve seen Visceral Mobilization change patients’ lives by:

  • Restoring mobility and function of organs/tissues
  • Releasing painful trigger points and tension
  • Improving circulation and nerve signaling
  • Calming systemic inflammation
  • Re-establishing proper alignment of bone/joint structures

Patients often enjoy a 50% or more reduction of symptoms within 1-3 sessions. And since this is a drug-free therapy, there are no negative side effects.

Gentle Technique Brings Profound Relief

As a new patient at Restore Your Core Physical Therapy, your certified therapist will begin with a thorough assessment to pinpoint the source of your particular symptoms.
Gentle hands-on techniques are then used to coax your organs and soft tissues to return to their natural state of balance and mobility. As restrictions release, related symptoms often dissipate.
It’s common for patients to feel emotional release or minor cramping during treatment as your body unwinds tension held for months or even years. But any discomfort is brief. And patients often nap or enter a deep state of relaxation as the therapy progresses.

Is Visceral Mobilization in Carmel & Zionsville Therapy Right for You?

If you answer yes to any of the questions below, Visceral Mobilization could be the natural solution you need:

  • Do you suffer from chronic back or joint pain?
  • Have you been diagnosed with gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis?
  • Do you have recurring gynecological symptoms like painful/irregular periods, endometriosis, cysts, infertility?
  • Are you experiencing pelvic organ dysfunction or urinary issues?
  • Do you have lingering pain after hysterectomy, C-section, or other abdominal surgeries?
  • Have you been diagnosed with chronic sinus infections, asthma, bronchitis, or other respiratory issues?

Thousands of patients with even the most complex conditions find lasting relief from Visceral Mobilization when other treatments fail. So if you answered yes to any of the above, contact Restore Your Core Physical Therapy in Carmel & Zionsville to see if this gentle manual therapy is right for you.

This has been an incredible physical therapy experience! The team has helped me achieve my goals. They have listened and evaluated me with skill and great care. When I’m in a session they are focused on me and I feel valued, heard and comfortable. I highly recommend this team! I have been visiting the Carmel office. The office is always exceptionally clean and my kids are welcome to be in the sessions with me if I cannot arrange childcare. They work great even if there is a crying baby and that is a relief being a mom of 4

Amy Faulkner

I started seeing Amy and Meredith a year and a half ago. I had seen other pelvic floor therapists with little to no results so I was super hesitant to try restore your core. But I have multiple friends who promised me I wouldn’t regret it. So I gave them a try and I am forever grateful I did. It’s honestly probably some of the best money I ever spent on myself. After four babies, you can imagine my core was shot. Not anymore! I still pop in from time to time. My most recent visit was due to pain in my hip (I think) from overdoing hip flexors. After only one visit my hip felt 💯! So yeah, highly highly highly recommend them 💜

Josephine Corsaro

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Visceral Mobilization hurt?
Most patients do not find Visceral Mobilization painful. As your therapist works to release restrictions, you may briefly feel tissue release or some cramping. But any discomfort is temporary. And patients often describe entering deeper states of relaxation as the therapy progresses.

What happens during a Visceral Mobilization session?
Your Restore Your Core Physical Therapy therapist will begin by gently palpating your abdomen and other areas to feel for dysfunction and immobility. Gentle manual techniques are then used to coax your organs/tissues to return to normal mobility and function. Most treatments last 45 minutes to an hour.

What if I feel too much pain during the session?
Communication is key so your therapist can adjust his/her approach. Most painful triggers last only seconds. But if needed, your therapist can use less pressure or work in another area temporarily. Your comfort is our priority.

Why Choose Restore Your Core Physical Therapy for Visceral Mobilization?

When searching for Carmel Visceral Mobilization therapy, look no further than Restore Your Core Physical Therapy. Our staff brings decades of experience with excellent patient outcomes across complex conditions.

1. Board Certified in Visceral Mobilization
Our registered physical therapists complete rigorous training and testing to become board certified in Visceral Mobilization by the Barral Institute. We stay current on the latest techniques through ongoing professional education as well. This advanced training allows our team to identify the common root causes of conditions like back/pelvic pain, digestive disorders, infertility, and breathing problems. We can then use precise manipulations to gently persuade your organs and tissues to return to health.

2. Integrative Care for Lasting Relief
Visceral Mobilization excels at targeting internal dysfunction missed by standard tests. But we also incorporate massage, joint manipulation, therapeutic exercise, and other modalities into your care plan as needed. This whole-person approach helps resolve even the most complex symptoms more quickly. Patients see the best results when they commit to the recommended number of treatments. So we work with your medical team and insurance to maximize coverage. This makes the highly personalized and effective care at Restore Your Core Physical Therapy accessible to more people in Carmel who need it.

Specialized Expertise You Can Trust

Dr. Hannah Schoening, PT, DPT, CLT
Dr. Hannah Schoening brings years of experience using advanced manual therapy techniques – including Visceral Mobilization – to treat complex conditions after surgery, illness, and injury. Their gentle approach helps patients heal digestion, breathing, chronic back pain, and more when other options have failed.

Call Us in Carmel & Zionsville for a Consultation

We hope this breakdown helps you better understand the incredible benefits of Visceral Mobilization and how it differs from other treatment options. While results and session duration varies by individual, patients frequently see a 50% or more reduction of symptoms within just 1-3 visits. So if you’re still suffering from chronic pain or dysfunction resistant to other therapies, Call us today. Our physical therapy team is ready to help you on the path to lasting wellness.