Carmel & Zionsville Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

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Find Relief Through Carmel & Zionsville Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy 

If you deal with pelvic pain or dysfunction, you know the havoc it can wreak on your quality of life. Simple activities like sitting, standing, or going to the bathroom can become incredibly difficult and painful. Pelvic floor issues affect over 25 million Americans, but they often go untreated due to embarrassment or lack of awareness. At Restore Your Core Physical Therapy, we understand how debilitating pelvic floor disorders can be. As leading pelvic health experts in Carmel & Zionsville, we specialize in treating pelvic pain, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction through individualized pelvic floor physical therapy programs. Our compassionate, skilled physical therapists leverage advanced techniques to relax your pelvic floor muscles, restore normal nerve functioning, improve circulation, and get you back to living your best life.

A Customized Approach to Healing Your Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor physical therapy is often misunderstood. Many assume it mainly consists of uncomfortable internal work. While internal manual therapy is an important diagnostic and treatment technique, we utilize a diverse array of external and internal methods tailored to your unique needs. We start by listening closely to your symptoms and goals so we can create a holistic healing plan. Your program might involve:

  • External soft tissue and trigger point release
  • Pain and stress relief techniques
  • Postural retraining
  • Core strengthening
  • Neural mobilization
  • Biofeedback
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Internal manual therapy
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Home care plans

We gently progress your program based on your comfort level and response to treatment. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and support for long-term pelvic floor health.

Carmel & Zionsville Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Offers Life-Changing Benefits

Patients often want to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of pelvic floor therapy before beginning. Our team understands this mindset well. We hope reviewing the many potential benefits below will ease your mind about starting the healing process with us. Know that you can proceed at your own pace and we will respect your boundaries every step of the way.

1. Lower Pain Levels
Living with constant pelvic pain is exhausting and impacts every area of life. Our patients often report significant pain reduction even after just a few PT sessions. By releasing myofascial trigger points, joint restrictions, and neural tension, we alleviate strain on your pelvic floor immediately. Improving posture, core strength, and movement patterns provides longer relief.

2. Greater Range of Motion
Pelvic pain often develops from overly tense muscles and connective tissue. This impairs your mobility. Our manual techniques lengthen tight tissues while strengthening exercises enhance flexibility. Movement becomes freer, easier, and less limited by pain.

3. Increased Sexual Function
Sexual symptoms like pain during intercourse, low arousal, erection issues, or inability to orgasm frequently stem from pelvic floor problems. By releasing trigger points and teaching you to relax these muscles, we resolve these symptoms for many patients. We also provide education to help you better understand the mechanics and psychology of sex.

4. Reduced Risk of Chronic Pain
When pelvic issues are left untreated, nerves and tissues remain irritated. This sensitizes the central nervous system and can create chronic regional pain syndrome. Early physical therapy intervention helps “turn off” these pain signals, reducing the chances pain will progress. It also limits loss of flexibility from guarding.

5. Corrected Bowel and Urinary Patterns
Pelvic floor dysfunction frequently disrupts normal bowel and bladder function. You might deal with constipation, diarrhea, frequent urination, incontinence, or retention. We identify how your pelvic floor impairment contributes to these troubles and train the muscles to function properly again through biofeedback, electrical stimulation, and exercise.

This has been an incredible physical therapy experience! The team has helped me achieve my goals. They have listened and evaluated me with skill and great care. When I’m in a session they are focused on me and I feel valued, heard and comfortable. I highly recommend this team! I have been visiting the Carmel office. The office is always exceptionally clean and my kids are welcome to be in the sessions with me if I cannot arrange childcare. They work great even if there is a crying baby and that is a relief being a mom of 4

Amy Faulkner

I started seeing Amy and Meredith a year and a half ago. I had seen other pelvic floor therapists with little to no results so I was super hesitant to try restore your core. But I have multiple friends who promised me I wouldn’t regret it. So I gave them a try and I am forever grateful I did. It’s honestly probably some of the best money I ever spent on myself. After four babies, you can imagine my core was shot. Not anymore! I still pop in from time to time. My most recent visit was due to pain in my hip (I think) from overdoing hip flexors. After only one visit my hip felt 💯! So yeah, highly highly highly recommend them 💜

Josephine Corsaro

Frequently Asked Questions About Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Does pelvic floor therapy Hurt?
It’s normal to worry treatment might be painful if you already suffer from pelvic pain. Our physical therapists take every precaution to avoid aggravating your symptoms. We start very gently and only progress depth of touch as you feel ready. You receive full control over the sensations and techniques used. Most patients describe sessions as far more relieving than painful!

What happens during a typical session?
After a thorough medical history and assessment of your pelvic floor, we design your customized treatment plan. Most initial visits focus on external trigger point release and gentle stretches first. As we progress, internal vaginal or rectal work may be incorporated but only with your complete consent. Each session finishes by teaching you therapeutic exercises to practice self-care at home between appointments.

What if I feel too much pain during a session?
Communication is vital so please speak up immediately if anything we do elevates your discomfort. We can adjust the technique, depth, or area being treated right away to find an approach that better suits your pain threshold. Your comfort guides all we do so don’t hesitate to give feedback!

Meet Our Compassionate Pelvic Floor Therapy Team

Our talented pelvic rehabilitation staff brings rich expertise blended with genuine caring. Getting to know us will help you feel at ease during the healing process. Learn more about our backgrounds below.

Dr. Hannah Schoening, PT, DPT, CLT
We consider it a privilege to help guide your pelvic floor recovery. Reach out to schedule a risk-free consultation and take the first step!

Start Your Pelvic Floor Healing Journey Today

If pelvic pain or dysfunction interferes with your daily life, we encourage you to explore pelvic floor physical therapy. Ignoring symptoms rarely leads to improvement and often results in worsening over time. We provide a judgement-free atmosphere to assess your unique situation and create a customized treatment plan. This places no obligation to begin therapy unless you decide our services offer the relief you need. We look forward to learning more about your situation and explaining how we can help restore comfort, function, and confidence!

About The Author

Imagine overcoming limitations and regaining your physical strength. Amy Robinson, a Owner, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist in PT, DPT, PRPC, CLT, WHNC, has helped countless individuals like you do just that. Practicing at Restore Your Core Physical Therapy in Carmel & Zionsville, Amy Robinson believes in tailored care and utilizes innovative techniques to create unique solutions for each patient’s journey.