Patient Stories

At Restore Your Core PT, We Care.

Restore Your Core PT Patient Stories

Watch Jane's Story

Watch John's Story

Referring Physicians Entrust Restore Your Core PT with their Patients
Patients Treated By Our Expert Physical Therapists

Navigating Chronic Abdominal Pain

Kristie's story

(The therapists) helped with adhesions from multiple surgeries and the strain my body has endured from years of being an Esthetician and CMT. I am more than happy to refer my clients, family and friends knowing they are in the best care possible in this profession.

Navigating Pelvic Pain

April' s Story

There simply aren’t words to describe how forever grateful and thankful I am for the gift she has to treat her patients. Since she has corrected the severe discomfort and pain I was experiencing, I have been able to be the wife and mom that I am meant to be, and for that alone I couldn’t be more thankful.

Navigating Pregnancy Pain

Amanda's Story

Highly recommended! They helped so much with pelvic pain during pregnancy and I have a plan to make sure we are on top on any issues post-partum as well…

…I absolutely recommend this place, worth every penny!

Experience The Difference

More Stories

"After a few short months at Restore Your Core Physical Therapy, I had no more pain and
was able to run again. (Amy) taught me exercises to strengthen key problem areas,
explained the “why” behind my body’s discomfort and how the treatment plan would be

...Within 3 months, I was able to run again and successfully train for
a 15k a couple months later. I am incredibly grateful"

As a young guy dealing with pelvic dysfunction, I went from athletic to sedentary. I couldn't believe the agony of pain and widespread trouble it caused. I was fearful that anything I did would make pain worse and felt like I'd never be normal again. I went to other physical therapists before but there was more I needed in order to get better...

...but I'm so relieved that I'm feeling better and no longer in despair. I'm jogging again and feel I can better manage my condition with what I've learned.

"I highly recommend Restore Your Core. Amy and her team were always positive and encouraging. Their expertise, knowledge, and wisdom changed my life. I thought leaking with laughter, jumping, and physical activity were part of having children and growing older. Now I know it doesn’t have to be! I am more confident and active!"

Restore Your Core PT was transformative in eliminating and reducing pain that had plagued me for over a year post-partum. It wasn't until I visited her and her team that I finally began to recover, and this was after seeing many specialists...

...because of her and her amazing team, I
was set up for success for the delivery of my second child.

I would refer and recommend this practice over and over again and think this is something every single woman (and man) could benefit from in some capacity.

Hear what others have to say...

Hear it from others:

The out-of-Network treatment they provide far surpasses any in-network PT I’ve been to throughout the years. I’m so happy with the decision I made to work with them!
Restore Your Core has been the best PT experience I’ve ever had! The Physical Therapists are exceptional AND exceptionally knowledgeable. Not only that, I’ve never been treated with such personable, warm and friendly Therapists before. I worked with 2 Physical Therapists and they both put me at ease the very first day. This is about who they are, not just the treatment they provide.
I started having an unexplainable pain in my groin area in 2009, I went to doctor after doctor, specialist, urologist you name it I went, but nothing was helped. In 2019 my urologist told me there was nothing that he could do for me, then he went on to suggest that I try physical therapy. He gave me RESTORE YOUR CORE PT phone number. I was very disappointed and desperate so I called and made an appointment. At first I had to go every month. After four months, I started to go every other month, six months later started going once every four months. Now I’m pain free. I only go twice a year for maintenance.