
Healing Starts Here

The team at Restore Your Core Physical Therapy are miracle workers. After 5 years of trying to get pregnant and many different interventions, my husband and I welcomed a perfectly healthy baby who was conceived naturally with no medical intervention. We credit the foundation of fertility work done by Restore Your Core in marking our little miracle possible. In addition to a beautiful baby, I also have the gift of an easy postpartum journey.


We help women who want to optimize their fertility journey and women who are currently struggling with infertility. Mechanical infertility is one of the causes of unexplained infertility. Mechanical infertility occurs when something in the reproductive system mechanically blocks the union of the egg and sperm. Mechanical blockages can occur due to injury of the pelvis, surgery, uterine malposition, fascial tension impacting the reproductive system, and scarring due to endometriosis or PCOS. We help women optimize their infertility journey by improving muscle function, decreasing pain, reducing myofascial restrictions, improving blood flow, and improving posture and breathing.

  • Adhesion/scar tissue management
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Oophorectomy (surgical removal of ovary)
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Anovulatory Cycles
  • Natural Cycles
  • Fertility Medication Cycle Support
  • IVF Cycle Support
  • Advanced Maternal Age (35 years of age and over)
  • Unexplained Infertility
  • Ovarian Insufficiency
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Back pain
  • Painful periods
  • Inconsistent menstrual cycle
  • Lack of menstrual cycle
  • Failure to ovulate
  • Inability to conceive naturally
  • Inability to sustain a pregnancy
  • Multiple first trimester miscarriages

3 phases of treatment to help YOU live your life
without pain, fear, or embarrassment


Determining the ‘underlying why’ for your symptoms to create an effective treatment plan and restore function


Treating all of the contributing factors, retraining the neuromuscular system, and decreasing pain to allow you to return to activities.


Challenging your body and optimizing your pelvic health to allow you to return to exercise and allow you to meet your BIG goals.

Hear it from others:

The out-of-Network treatment they provide far surpasses any in-network PT I’ve been to throughout the years. I’m so happy with the decision I made to work with them!
Restore Your Core has been the best PT experience I’ve ever had! The Physical Therapists are exceptional AND exceptionally knowledgeable. Not only that, I’ve never been treated with such personable, warm and friendly Therapists before. I worked with 2 Physical Therapists and they both put me at ease the very first day. This is about who they are, not just the treatment they provide.
I started having an unexplainable pain in my groin area in 2009, I went to doctor after doctor, specialist, urologist you name it I went, but nothing was helped. In 2019 my urologist told me there was nothing that he could do for me, then he went on to suggest that I try physical therapy. He gave me RESTORE YOUR CORE PT phone number. I was very disappointed and desperate so I called and made an appointment. At first I had to go every month. After four months, I started to go every other month, six months later started going once every four months. Now I’m pain free. I only go twice a year for maintenance.